The Zapien’s
My family and I walked into Our Fathers House nine months ago, part of the merge that would forever changed our life. Little did we know what God had in store for my family.
But! It didn’t start off “magical”…I was hurt, confused and upset with God. Which had separated us from the body of Christ. I remember one Sunday where my husband Alex and I went up for prayer and we wept together. We had been praying that somebody would hear our cries and just say “Everything is going to work out”. Shortly after we decided to attend Growth Track to find our purpose at OFH.
We finished the courses and immediately signed up to be on the Dream Team as Greeters. Things started to fall into place. We were having fun greeting members, connecting with our fellow Brothers and Sisters and life was starting to feel good again. We had been praying for a few years to join a group where we could grow as a married couple and be better stewards with our money.
Pastor Doug taught a series called, The Blessed Life! WOW! Changed our mindset in many ways. We were in debt and it was not getting any easier. Until Small Groups opened up and our prayer was answered! Financial Peace University was starting. We were SUPER EXCITED! During that time we were learning about tithing, giving our firsts, paying off debts and managing our money. We cut back on many things, ate rice and beans for many dinners, pulled our boys out of preschool, said “No” to many occasions and our group even had a yard sale! During Christmas we sold our car to pay off a massive amount of debt….$15,299.16!!!!!!!
I share this because if we never walked into OFH and fully surrendered to the Lord we wouldn’t be where we are today. OFH has shown us what LOVE is all about. They have blessed us with their kindness, hugs, friendships, prayers and most of all GODS LOVE!!!! We now come to church to help others. To serve others. We are no longer taking up a seat. Our two young sons, Maximus and Noah are being raised up by some amazing leaders. We are forever grateful for OFH and we GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO PAPA!!! Don’t Give Up. Don’t Isolate Yourself. Join a small group. There is something for everyone. Saved People Serve People. Because in the end, Everything Is Going To Work Out!